Germany: Space Days 2016
This year, the House of Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany, organises its third Space Days.

Its purpose is to inspire and inform the general public, and children in particular, about the excitement of space science and exploration. It is already an established tradition to invite an astronaut, who shares their experience with them. Find out more on the event's website.

This year, the event is split up into three individual events. The language of the entire threedays event is German. They will take place in the Klaus Tschira Auditorium at the House of Astronomy.

Science Meets Fiction – Der Marsianer - 29 May 2016, 18:00 h
The House of Astronomy has received a licence to present films. We will use the Space Days as a kick-off event for a new series of cine films that are related to science, astronomy or space. They are flanked by a short introductory talk by a scientist and a public discussion. This time, we show The Martian, which is based on a novel by Andy Weir. The introductory scientific talk will be given by Dr. Markus Nielbock.
expected audience: 100, general public​

Die nächsten 50 Jahre der Raumfahrt - 30 May 2016, 19:00 h
Public talk given by the German ESA and MIR astronaut Prof. Dr. Reinhold Ewald who will share his vision about the next 50 years of space flight.
expected audience: 100, general public​

Space Stations – Competition and Workshop - 31 May 2016, 9:30 h
The House of Astronomy calls for a competition to build a space station or planetary bases in the solar system. We address groups pupils of grade levels 5 to 6 (ages 10 to 12) in the Heidelberg area who compete for the best design. The models will be built during the weeks before the Space Days. They will be displayed and subjected to voting during the two public events mentioned above. The successful groups can win prizes like telescopes worth EUR 1000,00 in total. The models will be presented, discussed and awarded during a workshop with the astronaut Reinhold Ewald.
expected audience: 100 pupils of ages 10 to 12