
A way of evidencing application of skills and knowledge in a creative manner.

A way of evidencing application of skills and knowledge in a creative manner.

Type of assessment

Summative assessment measures a student’s achievement at the end of a unit or course.  It provides evidence of what students learned, whether curriculum outcomes have been met and the degree to which they were attained. 

How to Use

1. Before beginning this task, be sure to brainstorm criteria that the students need to include in their piece of writing.

2. Ask students to write a diary entry or story from a different perspective.  For example, after studying the history of space travel they could write a story about life as one of the first astronauts in space.

When to Use

With a little creative thinking this technique is suitable for most assessment types and scenarios!

References and additional information

Technique instructions adapted from Regier (2012)

Regier, Natalie (2012) Book Three: Summative Assessment – 50 Ways to Gather Evidence of Student Learning. Regier Educational Resources.  Available online in PDF.

Summative assessment
Outside class
During lesson