Bloom’s taxonomy of question starters

Prompt questions and key words for exploring students’ learning at different levels of thinking

Bloom’s Taxonomy provides an important framework for teachers to use to focus on higher order thinking.  This refers to types of learning that require more cognitive processing than others, but also have more generalized benefits, such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation of content rather than just knowledge and comprehension. By providing a hierarchy of levels, this taxonomy can assist teachers in exploring and evidencing students’ current learning.

Type of assessment

Formative assessment explores students’ learning development during the process; it is a form of feedback, reflection and quality assurance. 

How to Use

The image on the next page provides suggested prompt questions and key words for each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. 

When to Use

Use these when designing classroom tasks, crafting questions for student discussions, and providing feedback on student work.

References and additional information

Image source:

Regier, Natalie (2012) Book Three: Summative Assessment – 50 Ways to Gather Evidence of Student Learning. Regier Educational Resources.  Available from

Formative assessment
End of lesson
During lesson