Meet Pedro Marques Quinteiro

Organizational Psychologist


Pedro Marques-Quinteiro is a postdoctoral fellow at William James Center for Research, Instituto Universitário (ISPA), in Lisbon, Portugal. Natural from Sesimbra, Portugal, he graduated in General Psychology in 2007, and completed a Master in Human Resources, Work, and Organizational Psychology in 2009; both at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Lisbon, Portugal. In 2009, Pedro enrolled in ISCTE-IUL, where he completed his PhD in Human Resources Management and Development.

Currently, Pedro is principal investigator in a series of research projects funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation, and the Portuguese Polar Program examining teamwork effectiveness in space analogue environments (i.e., Antarctica).

Quote: "To be a space psychologist is to prepare those in the space industry to develop a strong mental health, and outstanding teamwork capacity."

Besides work, Pedro also enjoys having fun with his family and friends, kayaking, reading, and listening to music.

Learn more about what a space psychologist does with "Who is a space psychologist?" article.

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Image credit (cover): ESA/NASA

Pedro Marques Quinteiro
Place of job
William James Center for Research, Instituto Universitário
Space psychologist
Zugehörige Ressourcen